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BattleAxe, Claymore Sword, Katana Sword, Axe, Trench Blade, Long Sword, Hatchet, Claw, and Mace.

9 new melee weapons are available to equip on these new 'Mech variants BattleAxe, Claymore Sword, Katana Sword, Axe, Trench Blade, Long Sword, Hatchet, Claw, and Mace.You can also access them right away in Instant Action! 23 new melee weapon-focused 'Mech variants, plus 5 melee weapon-focused Hero 'Mech variants.Call to Arms is all about amping up the destruction with new Melee weapons. Explore the new Scrapyard, Tourmaline (Rubellite), and Hoodoo Desert biomes, available throughout Campaign and Career modes, and Instant Action. Explore the new Scrapyard, Rubellite, and Hoodoo Desert biomes, available throughout Campaign and Career modes, and Instant Action.Ĭall to Arms adds the Hatchetman chassis, along with 23 new melee-weapon focused 'Mech variants, 5 new melee weapon-focused Hero 'Mechs, 9 new melee weapons, and the new animated Stormsurge skin. Call To Arms adds the Hatchman chassis, along with 23 new melee-weapon focused 'Mech variants, 5 new melee weapon-focused Hero 'Mechs, 9 new melee weapons, and the new animated Stormsurge skin. Join up with the Independent People of Skye to capture the Lyran Commonwealth's newest BattleMech, the Hatchetman, in a 5 mission quest line.